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Showing posts from 2019
Moment of transparency It has been hard my whole life trying to keep my weight under control. But I had to learn I HAVE THE REMOTE CONTROL to ME! So one had to learn how to control my eating habits, how to control my thoughts of putting my self down when I didn’t reach a goal I had set. I was setting unattainable goals. Like it’s December and my bday is in January so I’m bout loose this belly, up this butt and drop like 3 dresses all In 30days!!!! Like how sway?! It took me how many years of an unhealthy diet and no consistent exercising to get here and NOW just because I’m trying to fit into this dress on my born day I’m magically about to be all the “goals” I wanted to be in 30days??? No way my beautiful dreamer. Grace and patience is what one had to give thyself, it was going to and still has to take time to get them “goals” .  Nothing short of great in this world happened over night. But I’m a goal getter, so I had to set obtainable goals.  If one has never been he